Mass Bitching
this is something that I've been noticing a lot recently. I've always known that
people are annoying, but I wasn't always aware of what a dehabilitating foible
it is. Just from chilling at school, talking to people, I've been noticing that
at least 90% of all conversations is bitching. If you bitch that much, you
should not be living. I am being serious.
These people that complain are everywhere. I think that they
find comfort in bitching. It reinforces the idea that bad things that happen to
them aren't their faults and they should be alleviated their responsibility to
fix their problems. I understand that you can be swindled into a crummy
disposition, but as long as you're bitching, you're inviting yourself to new
drama which you will in turn bitch about later. (this is all stuff that I see on
a regular basis, and it's going to make me puke, abandon the human race, and
then live with Orangutans)
Also, another thing I notice about complainers. They are very
organized. Skilled ones prioritize what they're going to complain about, so when
one topic becomes exhausted, they move on to another one. That's one of the
greatest illusions; thinking that the incessant bitching will eventually end. If
you are unhappy, realize that it's your own fault, get help if you neeed it,
move on, and don't make the rest of us suffer because you can't cope. This is a
very real problem with people. It's like a tragic flaw that characters in novels
sometimes have, except EVERYONE has it. As you can see, lately, all of this has
been making me angry... and I don't get angry easily. Arghh.
I'm not trying to be mean, but if you find yourself in the
middle of a sentence that sounds like "... this sucks!" or "... I
hate my parents!", do yourself and everyone around you a favor and shut
your asstrap.
Political Correctness
Why should we be politically correct when we talk? Because if we aren't, sensitive people may take offense. Why should we be accomodating for them? They aren't doing anything for us. Maybe they should just learn to not be offended so easily so we may enjoy the liberty of not having to tiptoe around landmines and sound like slobbering idiots when talking. It's also way easier to express yourself when not being politically correct. (you all know that!) The way I see it, if someone takes offense to what someone else says, the fault is automatically on the receiving end. It makes sense to me anyway. It's has to be the purest example of silliness I can think of.