
I hope you all know I'm going to win a Nobel Prize for this shit!



    Today is the 11th of April, 2002.  It was my birthday a few days before and I had an interesting, thought provoking conversation with my family when we went out to eat.  

    Somehow we got talking about how people develop and either become useful, honorable, and serving members of society, or become cancer of the masses.  We talked about our differences in beliefs about people.  One belief my brothers share is that people are a product of their environments.  I think it's true and it makes a lot of sense.  For an example, the Mid East.  There's always been war on the verge of outbreak there because generation after generation of insanity has been breeding itself over and over again, nothing changing.  

    It does make a lot of sense, but I think there are exceptions.  If you've grown up from a childhood from which you were physically abused, you're not necessarily going to be violent, though it happens too often.  People do have free will even though you see people on CNN testifying that they were 'insane' while committing an act of crime.  That is just crap.  But what I was getting at is that there are exceptions to this.  Every once in a while you get a person that sees beyond the borders of their culture.  They're the weird ones, they're the ones who cause controversy, they're the ones who will save us.   One of them will be equipped with the sophistication and ability to lead a small group of people or organization, city, state, country, continent, or planet into our next stage of evolution.   

    This is actually a derived theory.  I came to it through the fact that history repeats itself.  In evolution, creatures are products of their environment.  If a duck fucks a duck, you're gonna get a duckling that looks just like a miniature version of its parents.  Every once in a while, however, you're going to get a retarded one or one with 3 feet.  But out of that pile of mutants and freaks, you're going to get one that's better than its parents.  That robust duck will endure and pass its genes on, strengthening and making ducks privileged enough to be sharing his gene pool, better.  So remember the freaks, the retards, the weirdo's, and the ones with deformed ears and be grateful for them.   



    Happiness to me, is ultimate freedom. Happiness means you are free to appreciate everything, and you enjoy yourself thoroughly. You have no worries, concerns, or any pollution manifested by your mind. When you appreciate things, you experience a euphoric feeling of well-being. This is why happiness is an extremely sought-after state of being.

    Things that bring happiness to me are things like driving around with friends, playing and writing music, running, eating breakfast, and many others. I like driving around with friends, first, because when we're driving we have the freedom to go anywhere we want to go. The freedom alone gives us solace.

    I like running, because while I'm getting better, I am always breaking my previous bodily limits. Anything that previously seemed impossible, continuously becomes real when I work at it. When I keep breaking limits like that, I get used to thinking that there are none. Therefore, it frees me from limitations, to an extent.

    Writing music is a lot like writing stories or anything else. You can do whatever you want. You can create moods, drama, characters, and worlds. And you, of course, are the creator, like God, in a way. That's another freedom.

    Focusing more on eating breakfast. That's one thing I enjoy because, I can to sit down, relax, and graciously eat, and enjoy the morning, like anyone should. From then on, I have to go back to the routine of going to school, and getting busy! Busy, busy, busy, it all seems. I just want to run, fly kites, wrestle, jump, and play. Why not just relax and enjoy ourselves? We go through such lengths, thinking that doing this or doing that, is going to eventually get us there. But it's right in front of us. There's no need to do anything, but relax, and not take anything for granted. Heh! I should take my own advice! Okay, I will.

    I could keep coming up with examples of why happiness is freedom and never run out. We're all free. We just sometimes forget. (Maybe that's an understatement) Therefore, we're all very happy. Everyone, all of the starving children, all of the people with deformed ears, everyone on the planet is happy. We just forget.

    Okay.. I know that's not what you're used to.  This is actually an assignment I made for College Comp.  I was happy with the results, and since I am the creator of this site, I can do ANY DAMN THING I WANT!!!!!  Heh. 


    Some people prefer not eating meat because if they do, they will get sick and die. I am not referring to these people.

    I'm just writing this to get you vegetarians to start thinking a little bit more. Consider this.

    We are all murderers. (If you disagree, think about it for a little while longer) There's nothing that can be done about that. It's simply what we are. So all we can really do is control the degree of murder to which we commit.

    Any sane person would agree with me that killing another person would be an atrocity. And if you notice, the lesser and lesser evolved the animals you kill, the lesser and lesser of a moral issue it is. For an example, have you ever cried over killing a unicellular protist which you can't even see? It's a living creature just as a human being is. Why shouldn't you cry?

    That leads me to this, quite simply. The more ethically wrong it is to kill a creature is directly related to the evolution of the creature being killed.

    Going by this, it should be easy to decide what is, and what is not okay to eat, provided you have a set level of murder you're willing to commit to. Animals like fish, chicken, and turkey are animals of relatively low evolution, therefore it's not that bad to eat them. It starts getting worse and worse as you move up to developed mammals, such as cattle and pigs, which have higher evolved brains than fish and are more like us. Also, check this out. If you eat algae, it's even less worse than eating real plants. So you wanna be really good, eat krill and plankton. Mmmm.. good for the soul. Soul.. mmmm


The Reasoning Behind Modern Genetic Propagation

    This is a theory of a friend of mine. His name is Jake. He's a pretty dramatic guy at times, but he always knows what he's talking about, and never tries to release his bowels on you.

    People are very social animals. They always need to be around each other, and when they're not around each other, it really sucks for them! We get lonely really easily. To avoid this, people avoid breaking up with their partners, even if they're sick of them. Often, they marry that person, not making any decisions because they really want to, but because they're fearful of what may happen if they do not. Eh?

    So then we have all of these "adults" eternally sworn to one another, trapped inside their mental prisons, scared shitless. Not to mention, they're bored of each other, feeling awkward by being obligated to having sex with the same person for so damn long. So what do they do now? Have children, because they're friggin bored!! I could have written that better, hehe



    Last Tuesday, there was a terrorist attack on our nation, and so that got me thinking. I asked myself "why do we have conflict?"

    This is what I came to. I thought about how humans developed and how they became how they are. For simplicity's sake, I'll say we were animals that were very smart, but that alone wasn't enough to survive. (I know this sounds retarded, but bear with me on this) So we evolved egos, which is a false identity. We became identified with the fact that we were smart and knew how to survive. If something else threatened our identities, it would motivate us to become greater and rise above the rest. This happened to us humans, and now we are the dominant species on the planet Earth. But, now that we've become great, we don't need the egos anymore, however it's been branded into our DNAs, our personalities. We're stuck with them. So now that we have the planet dominated, what else is there to do? Dominate each other, of course. We are killing each other off now as I speak. We were just attacked, thousands dead, now we want vengeance and to kill people to compensate for our loss. This will all continue for years to come.

    Pretty soon, it will be like we're back at the beginning of evolution, and we'll be back at struggling for survival again, desperate for a new adaptation. Eventually, we'll find it. We will then know how to live our lives with ease, and with grace. There will be no memory of this cruel, hostile place.


Chicks and Horses

    I'm not going to take credit for this theory, because I saw this on TLC once, and I think everyone needs to hear this.

    This has to do with how women have evolved. If women evolve behavior that attracts them to big, strong men, their chances of staying in the physical world long enough to bear offspring are greatly increased, because big, strong men are better equipped to perform their end of tasks in the male/female symbiotic relationship. (that was a long run-on sentence. oh well) Anyway, it makes sense, right?

    When girls develop into women, this behavior becomes more predominant. At the same time, horses are big, strong animals, JUST LIKE US (men). This explains why girls like horses even more so when they become adolescents. So. If you're a big, strong guy and chicks are all over you, don't let it go to your head. Horses and sex toys can replace you like *snap* that.


Worshipping God

    Where I live, it's really easy to believe in God. My parents are WASP Protestants and they raised me that way. However they didn't really make me do prayers, go to church, or anything which I'm really grateful for now.

    What is religion? "re" means again, or to do again. "lig" means to unite or to connect. So in layman's terms it really just means to reconnect. Reconnect to what? Reconnect to the real you, and to be able to see through the limitations of this illusionary world so you can stay sane and remain a positive and healthy outlook on things. There are many ways of achieving this state of mind. Many people prefer to take a lot of dope, have sex, use meditation, practice conventional religion, or just focusing your mind on what you really want if you know what that is.

    Why believe in God though... because the thought of a single omnipotent entity responsible for creation works very nicely with what our personalities need. For an example, when things are looking bad, you have something to hope for, and when things are really not going your way, there's someone to blame. See how convenient it is? Sounds too good to be true. Hm. Are you seeing how probable it is that we just made up a God to accommodate for our own insecurities and personality flaws? That is something that people always do, even subconsciously, but "God" is just the grandest example of how we do this. I'm not saying that it's impossible for God to exist, but who says that there needs to a God to create Earth and the heavens? Why can't the Universe have always just been there, like how God supposedly was. More and more people are starting to see this. How many of your peers actually believe and have faith in God? Friends of mine that actually go to church don't believe in it, and admit that the only reason they go is because their parents make them or because on confirmation they get a lot of money from their relatives.

    If you believe in God, that's fine and good. But don't believe in it because God in fact does exist, or you've been told that if you don't believe in God, you will be damned to hell. Do it because you want to believe. You don't have to go with the mainstream either. Worship Oompa Loompas. It really makes no difference. You don't even need to believe in anything.

Energy, Matter, and Life

    I started thinking about this the night after there was an example shown to the class in chemistry that day. In the example, there was this this machine that used electricity to separate the oxygen and hydrogen from water. Later, he was able to burn the oxygen and hydrogen. This was stuff that came from water. I know chemically what happened, as did everyone in the class. But I don't think anyone really thought much about it, because school sucks. But there are a lot of implications from this example. The energy came from one form (electricity), suspended itself in two highly reactive gases (oxygen, and hydrogen) which would release their energy if they reacted with anything, hence their high reactivity. Then when the gases ignited, energy was dispersed as heat and light, and the gases were combined back to make water.

    If you break it up into layers, you can see patterns. Like, if you only look at just the energy, all that really happened was energy being converted from one type to another, and being contained within matter at parts. For example, electricity was converted into light and heat. (from when the oxygen and hydrogen was ignited) Then in the end some of the energy was still contained in the water vapor, because when it condenses back to its original liquid state, more heat is released. Then if you look at just the matter, all that happens is it gets separated and combined with other matter. Matter is just there as a medium through which energy is converted and contained. Life is no more than an organized system of matter and energy that are able to work together to keep flowing in an endless pattern. Once an organism dies, the organized system of matter, bound together by energy falls apart. The corpse then degrades out of uniform and into randomness to be later manipulated by energy once it is called upon.

    None if this is really breakthrough, but it's just another way of looking at things. This is just an excellent way to show how connected everything is.


Fate of the World

    What makes humanity so capable of survival is their ability to work with one another, the rate at which they reproduce, and their continually developing technology. This is what enabled us to survive and ironically, this is what will annihilate us. As far as I'm concerned, the fate of human kind will be either

a.) we'll kill each other off in wartime
b.) we'll have poisoned our environment to the extent of our own extinction, or even more likely, both of them.
Can you see it happen any other plausible way?

    Each new human life is one step closer to our inevitable fate. The only reasons that we choose to have children is out of natural instinct, habit, because it's the human thing to do, and not in the interests of the greater good. The resources needed to sustain human life will rape the planet to an even greater extent, until there's nothing left. The end is coming and no one wants to see it. It's insanity. Thinking about this makes me wonder what the point of doing anything is, if it's already too late, already done. Then I realize that's insanity.